🔥 When you bring people together, prepare and do it consciously, to get the most out of these moments.

🌱 Or learn new skills, tools and practices that help you to better work together.

✨ Because paying attention to how we meet and collaborate can change the world.

I support organisations, teams, networks or any group of people to unlock their collective wisdom and do their best work together.

Facilitation of group meetings

Moments of coming together can profoundly impact what happens next. I design and facilitate meetings, team-buildings, events and multi-day gatherings that invite everyone to contribute to what really matters. The design combines internationally proven approaches and acupuncture-wise matches your specific circumstances and needs. 

With your next meeting in mind, is any of these issues alive for you? 

  • Create clarity and alignment: uncover what you are doing together, what the objectives are and how you collaborate in and across teams.
  • Improve and innovate: identify how you can improve day-to-day working methods and processes. Or explore untapped innovation potential in the wider field of the organisation. Invite everyone to think along, learn from each other, and figure out the next steps. 
  • Build trust relationships: deepen bonds with colleagues or connect with new collaborators. 
  • Address challenges or opportunities: resolve conflict, make progress on a burning topic or cocreate the results you aim for. 
  • Shape a participatory work culture: start to work in a more network-oriented way rather than to rely mostly on hierarchical structures. Make people feel comfortable to express concerns and ideas and to take initiative. 

Organisational consulting and training

Structures and practices can bring out the best in people. Equip yourself with insights, tools and practices that help you better work together. While we work with your specific challenges, you will learn new practical approaches that you can continue using.

What learning would be useful for you?  

  • Trust and mutual support: how do we proactively build the connection and trust to do our best work together? How can we support each other in the challenges we face?
  • Participatory meetings: how do we design and run our meetings in a way that creates a more participatory culture? How do we make effective decisions together?
  • Shared language: how do we communicate consciously and effectively about tensions we experience? What are concepts and approaches that help us to build shared understanding about the work we’re doing?
  • Inner skills: what are practical tools for inner development, that help us to work well together?
  • Conscious collectives: how do we grow conscious collectives where everyone is enabled to act entrepreneurially? And how do we thrive in a culture that is highly participatory and asks for self-awareness?

I had the honour of facilitating for organisations like:

Curious what others say?

“You greatly contributed to the success of this meeting – we got lots of thanks and positive feedback. I believe we achieved our main goals, which were to get people motivated, inspired and wanting to commit, as well as create ideas that may translate into concrete actions during the project.”

– Blandine Smilansky, Partnerships Coordinator, House of European History

“During the Enspiral Winter Gathering 2022, it became clear that An is not only a connoisseur of the hosting toolkit, but also a master of subtlety. With her invitations, presence and body language, she made calm moments calmer, deep conversations deeper and nurtured spaces where participants could easily open up about difficult topics.”

– Joriam Philipe, community builder

“An coordinates and facilitates with a good dose of humour, warmth and craftsmanship. Her strength lies in building relationships, and she knows how to leverage them to streamline the process well. Her flexibility and professionalism make her a pleasant facilitator. Thanks, An!”

– Mees Schouwenaar, project leader School Leaders for the Future (Schoolleiders voor de Toekomst)

Unique about me? Cross-pollination. 

Once I was an engineer who focused on material outcomes. Nowadays I’m still engineering, but my attention shifted towards how people create outcomes together.

Work with me if you’re interested in the: 

  • gentle guidance of a facilitator,
  • wide-angle view of a systems thinker,
  • crystal clarity of a scientist,
  • team spirit of a community member,
  • structured approach of an engineer,
  • openness to vulnerability of an authentic human being,
  • all of that enlivened with a bit of humour.

Strength and inspiration? These are my resources.

I combine proven methodologies, bright ideas and practices that work. I draw inspiration from a range of approaches and methodologies, including:

  • Art of Hosting and Harvesting Conversations that Matter (also known as Art of Participatory Leadership),
  • Sociocracy 3.0,
  • Theory U,
  • Internal Family Systems,
  • Liberating Structures,
  • Inner Development Goals,
  • and more.

I am a member of Enspiral and an ‘explorer’ at Greaterthan, both collectives working at the frontiers of collaboration and organisation building. I’m also connected to several communities of practice, and I enjoy constant learning. In my blog, I write about topics such as decentralised organising, participatory leadership, conscious collaboration, inner development and global burn-out. Some articles are in English, de meeste blogartikels zijn in het Nederlands.

And what about you?

I’d love to get to know you, and find out if we can collaborate. Share your details in this form, or find mine here. Happy to meet soon!


Hear from me when I have something exciting or inspiring to share. Both in English, en in het Nederlands.

“Trust is the secret sauce of productive and joyful collaboration.”

– Frederic Laloux in his book Reinventing Organizations