Pods: the radical act of supporting one another

Pods: the radical act of supporting one another

Published on Better Work Together on 10 June 2022.

An introduction to what it means to be in a pod (sometimes also referred to as a crew, a coaching circle or a practice circle).

It feels so good to be supported with gentleness and care, in a challenge close to your heart, and to uncover what you hadn’t seen yet. And it is equally delightful to witness someone brighten up by offering your genuine presence and reflections. I cannot imagine my life any differently than with the rhythm of one or more pods going on.  (more…)

Inspiring and powerful: how the Inner Development Goals can help us move towards a better world

Inspiring and powerful: how the Inner Development Goals can help us move towards a better world

Published on Better Work Together on 14 May 2022. Photo credit for featured image: Alina Harmash.

“Slow down to go fast” is one of the key ideas that I remember most from attending the first-ever Inner Development Goals Summit on April 29 online. Seemingly a paradox, it makes sense that humanity will not be able to move the world in a sustainable direction by doing more of the same.

The Inner Development Goals (IDGs) tell us to pay attention to our often-forgotten inner dimension. The IDG framework is one big invitation to develop ourselves as human beings, so that we are more able to create the world we want to live in. (more…)

Welcome to my blog. Discover how I look at topics such as decentralised organising, participatory leadership, conscious collaboration, inner development and global burn-out. Some articles are in English, most are in Dutch. Subscribe to the newsletter for updates. (more…)